Do not let life pass us by without:
Taking the time to breathe before words escape our mouth in anger. The awareness of our emotions as they run so close to our skin can become our greatest strength. A valued relationship can be destroyed with one word.
Realizing when we are at our worst, God is at His best. Remember the Footprints poem?
Kissing every baby we meet. More than once.
Reaching out a hand to help someone when we can. We all experience opportunities to give of ourselves. Fear of rejection is simply not a good excuse anymore. Christ faced rejection the entire time He was on earth. He even faces it in Heaven. Hmm... We won't have to worry about rejection in Heaven, will we?
Understanding there are so many things that we cannot control. As soon as these situations become present in our lives, let us focus on our adaptability. The ability to adapt has kept mankind in existence.
In addition to the above, we should realize certain issues allow for no compromise. When we face our convictions, let us stand firm. When presenting our convictions, let us not pass judgement.
Opening our own hearts whenever there is a tug. A cold heart dies a lonely heart.
Praising God every opportunity we have. We all have a hard time understanding God's holiness. This means He is whole. He is the only one of us who will ever be complete. And let us praise Him for being a God of grace.
I mean.... What Im trying to say is... I pray we all reach a point when today doesn't matter as much as eternity does. I pray we all focus on the big picture and not what our neighbors are doing. Judgement is so easy. I'm guilty and I am sure at one point you have judged me. I expect it. Why else would I ask your opinion?
At some point, we all see a beautiful sunset. Or a butterfly land on a flower. Or a rainstorm in the middle of a drought. Or a baby smile. Or a friend after it has been years. Perhaps we experience a peace among chaos or a good day among a hundred days of torture.
Every person walking among us has a gift. EVERY person. Let us embrace those gifts and not shun what we perceive as flaws.
Every person has an opinion. Let us listen to it and if we do not agree, at least respect it.
Every person has worth. Even if we do not see it, let us understand it is there. Furthermore, if we do not see it, let us not question our God by doubting our neighbor's worth. God is especially fond of them.
When we open our eyes to the world, what do we see? The headlines in our news? The images flashing across the news? The destruction and the chaos and the hate and the sin that floats into our lives like poison in a stream???
When we open our eyes to our communities, what do we see?? The drugs and sex and violence and apparent hopelessness within our generation? I tell you this, people usually become what is expected of them.
The images I have just described are a lot of what I see. I don't like it. At times, I have played the role of the culprit. We all have. Action and inaction are both damaging. Do we beat the crowd, join it, or ignore it?
When the day becomes the worst day ever, it usually begins that way. Wake up, thank God you woke up, praise God for His greatness, and don't stop talking to Him until the day has gone. While you communicate with Him, however that may be (there is no wrong way) try to find things to smile about.
Let us allow change within us. Let us become a catalyst for a friend in need. Let us offer ourselves as hands and feet to God. We can make a difference. I believe that- I have too many AMAZING friends on facebook who have impacted my life in ways they don't even realize. If you are reading this, you are probably one of them. I thank you for that, until you are better paid ;-)
Much love in Christ!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fly With Christ!
Imagine a little girl about the age of four. Her auburn ringlets frame her innocent face and her cuepie smile always brings about your own smile. Imagine her in her bedroom full of pink and lace. The room is orderly and filled with the desires of any four year old angel. Imagine her lying on her belly on the floor as she chooses her red crayon to scribble into the heart on her coloring book page. She is a child who chooses silence over complaint. You often catch her gazing about in wonder, as if she is putting together the pieces of the puzzle. When there are storms of lightning, thunder and rain, she credits our God.
This child you imagine lies within you. Change some physical features and this child is all of us.
We are all born with depth and insight and perception.
We are all born because God had a plan for our existance.
As soon as the seed was planted, Angels rejoiced at our arrival.
As soon as our time came to be born, tears of joy flooded Heaven's floor.
When our first cries penetrated the delivery room, the ones who were present felt the presence of God.
As we developed and passed each milestone, our loved ones praised us.
As we grew up, we grew into the world.
We became jaded and began to lose the innocense.
The coloring book page, outlined for us to fill in our own expression of life, is symbolic of God's intention for us. He placed the path before us, and all we had to do was stay in the lines.
At some point, we made a mess of the page and it did not measure up to God's expectation.
Perhaps it did not meet our own expectations, either.
The most perfect way to finish the picture is to end up with the image of our own imagination. How many times have we began to fill in the colors, only to find flaws in the finished product?
Ask an artist or an author or a musician to critique his own masterpiece, and you will be given the flaws or the opportunities.
A teacher pointed out recently that a book is never finished. This statement alone provided me with so much relief; I am the master of starting something, only to put it aside. I realize now that I have done this time and time again because the progress does not measure up to my own expectations.
I once made the decision not to proofread my own writing. I have stuck with this strategy because it enables me to be free in creativity and removes my self doubt.
As sinners, we are often shaped by negative experiences and actions we just can't erase. We often have regrets about decisions we have made. We often carry these burdens for a long time; even if we find the way to forgive ourselves, others are quick to remind us of our errors.
Fortunately, we were not given life to please man. We were not even given life to please ourselves. We were given life to please God.
Think about that.
Why else would we be here?
God began to create out of a longing. He created the Heavens. There were angels and spirits and God rejoiced in their company and they praised Him.
Then the most beautiful angel equated himself to God. We all know the story.
God then commanded the Earth into existence to make a home for us. We all know the story.
Upon the original sin, the hope for a perfect man was gone. We all know the story.
Because God's love self-sacrificing Agape love, He put on some skin and came to earth so that His creation would follow Him and join Him in Heaven. He did not come to die, He came so that we may live. Caught up in the world view of righteousness, Christ's persecutors could not see the Father in Him.
Maybe we have been looking in the wrong places, too.
God does not seek out the righteous, He seeks out the sinners. He uses our lives to reach out to those like us. His faithfulness is neverending and He will never stop calling.
We should all seek His Beauty, and not the appearances of the world.
I will end by quoting my new great friend, Brittany Gilmore. I don't think she will mind...
....but the most breathtaking beauty of all is the Beauty where every other kind of true beauty finds its form. unwavering love—deep and wild. a hope that sometimes seems so dangerous… because it seems at times too good to be true, and at others too crazy to be real (as if amongst all of the religions, one was ambiguously labeled true). but this Beauty is not confined to the traditions that we have built around Him, or the minds that try to grasp Him. …most of the time i do not understand such Beauty, but it answers all of the questions where other beauties have always failed.
He is. He made all the beauty that is. it flows from His very being.
Fly with Christ. It will be the best decision you could ever make.
This child you imagine lies within you. Change some physical features and this child is all of us.
We are all born with depth and insight and perception.
We are all born because God had a plan for our existance.
As soon as the seed was planted, Angels rejoiced at our arrival.
As soon as our time came to be born, tears of joy flooded Heaven's floor.
When our first cries penetrated the delivery room, the ones who were present felt the presence of God.
As we developed and passed each milestone, our loved ones praised us.
As we grew up, we grew into the world.
We became jaded and began to lose the innocense.
The coloring book page, outlined for us to fill in our own expression of life, is symbolic of God's intention for us. He placed the path before us, and all we had to do was stay in the lines.
At some point, we made a mess of the page and it did not measure up to God's expectation.
Perhaps it did not meet our own expectations, either.
The most perfect way to finish the picture is to end up with the image of our own imagination. How many times have we began to fill in the colors, only to find flaws in the finished product?
Ask an artist or an author or a musician to critique his own masterpiece, and you will be given the flaws or the opportunities.
A teacher pointed out recently that a book is never finished. This statement alone provided me with so much relief; I am the master of starting something, only to put it aside. I realize now that I have done this time and time again because the progress does not measure up to my own expectations.
I once made the decision not to proofread my own writing. I have stuck with this strategy because it enables me to be free in creativity and removes my self doubt.
As sinners, we are often shaped by negative experiences and actions we just can't erase. We often have regrets about decisions we have made. We often carry these burdens for a long time; even if we find the way to forgive ourselves, others are quick to remind us of our errors.
Fortunately, we were not given life to please man. We were not even given life to please ourselves. We were given life to please God.
Think about that.
Why else would we be here?
God began to create out of a longing. He created the Heavens. There were angels and spirits and God rejoiced in their company and they praised Him.
Then the most beautiful angel equated himself to God. We all know the story.
God then commanded the Earth into existence to make a home for us. We all know the story.
Upon the original sin, the hope for a perfect man was gone. We all know the story.
Because God's love self-sacrificing Agape love, He put on some skin and came to earth so that His creation would follow Him and join Him in Heaven. He did not come to die, He came so that we may live. Caught up in the world view of righteousness, Christ's persecutors could not see the Father in Him.
Maybe we have been looking in the wrong places, too.
God does not seek out the righteous, He seeks out the sinners. He uses our lives to reach out to those like us. His faithfulness is neverending and He will never stop calling.
We should all seek His Beauty, and not the appearances of the world.
I will end by quoting my new great friend, Brittany Gilmore. I don't think she will mind...
....but the most breathtaking beauty of all is the Beauty where every other kind of true beauty finds its form. unwavering love—deep and wild. a hope that sometimes seems so dangerous… because it seems at times too good to be true, and at others too crazy to be real (as if amongst all of the religions, one was ambiguously labeled true). but this Beauty is not confined to the traditions that we have built around Him, or the minds that try to grasp Him. …most of the time i do not understand such Beauty, but it answers all of the questions where other beauties have always failed.
He is. He made all the beauty that is. it flows from His very being.
Fly with Christ. It will be the best decision you could ever make.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Healthcare is a Privilege
I didn't proofread, so forgive me for errors.
“Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof."
That is Article IV of the Constitution. Note the second sentence. And the Congress may by GENERAL LAWS prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. What does this mean? Well, I will offer my interpretation. The Congress is to guide the states in a general manner. This simple sentence should resolve any and all issues regarding the power of the government vs. the power of the state. As it is, governmental restrictions prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. Results of this limitation are the primary downfall of the insurance companies. The free market system prevents monopolies and encourages competetive trade, ensuring lowest possible cost to the consumer. The 'big bad insurance companies' fluff consumer cost simply because they can. Wouldn't you?
Other factors contribute to the high cost of healthcare. Outrageous malpractice lawsuits against doctors inflate the cost of services to cover the risk of error, or the perception of error. Doesn't this fact seem to be a bit reflective? Wouldn't preventitive measures be more feasable? Perhaps a more prevalent Joint Commission? I am not sure of how their audits work, but paperwork is not the same as proceedure. I will borrow the term 'doctor panel' and implement it into a hypothetical situation... There are state hospitals, federal hospitals, private hospitals, outpatient clinics, etc. Let's take it even farther back than that; there are universities that educate our medical professionals. Would it not be feasable to create a business model, based on checks and balances, that OBSERVES, ANALYZES, and REACTS to the medical, ethical and moral protocol implemented by our caregivers? I could probably ace my way through med school, but I would also give some ugly scars if I were a surgeon. Just sayin.. Anyway, the business model I was referring to would create a system in which the medical professionals were held accountable for their practice. There would be panel of specialists, moralists, scientists, etc. I'm gonna leave this point alone because I would get off track and attach a diagram and I really don't have time for that.
My point on this: There are too many options to revise the current system and the government has no place in the dictation of this aspect of my life. Should healthcare be mandated just because people can't afford it, driving up the cost for those who can? No. Should preexisting conditions limit the care someone receives? No, that sounds too much like discrimination. Should healthcare be a luxury? No. Is healthcare a right? No, its a priviledge. Priviledges are those things we work to attain. I'm without healthcare now. Do I like it? No. Have I asked the government for help? No. For those people who are unable to work due to disability, let's make sure the disability is real. Let's screen the people receiving all government benefits and perform random audits as a price for our help. Let's encourage a free market system and keep our jobs at home. Service jobs do not last in a failing economy. During a war, the economy only prospers when there is manufacturing of goods used to support the war. Duh.
I am getting a bit off the subject here. Sorry.
Ok. Let's consider Jesus. What would He do? There is a story or two in the bible about Lepers and such coming to Jesus to ask for help. How many times did he say, 'Im sorry dude, its not my job. King Herod Antipas is your ruler and he is responsible for your health. Talk to him.' I'm tellin you, if He had, we would all be nailed to a cross. On that note, shouldn't WE be more responsible for our health???? Shouldn't we be protesting McDonalds for serving us french fries? Or should we just stop eating them? Hmm... Let's be accountable for ourselves.
I used to think we needed healthcare controlled by the government. I used to make jokes about moving to Canada for that very purpose. Check out their standards. Check out their survival rate for prostate cancer, one of the easiest cancers to treat. I would share the numbers, but I can't remember them exactly. The prognosis isn't good. The treatment is subpar. Healthcare is something one expects to see quality of service, not a game of chance...
The government should not bulldoze this issue to fruition because the risks are too great. FDR was the first major proponent, but he couldn't get it passed along with the New Deal. He did, however, pass Social Security. It worked til now. Apparently he did not realize his time in office was a simulated aphrodesiac, producing an increase in population. Yes, you can laugh :-)
The provisions for abortion allow too many loopholes, creating an unseen genocide. The care measures provided for our elderly are a few steps above hospice- if you give them pain management, my generation will exploit it into a trade. If facilities become free-for-all's, can you imagine what it will look like when rationing begins???? Can you imagine the shortcuts that will be used??? Can you see how many illnesses will go untreated until persistance finally gets that other test done, only to find out the cancer has spread to the major organs and your loved one has just enough time to say goodbye?? Can you see how much Research and Development will suffer for Alzheimer's patients? Alzheimer's is getting younger and younger... What about autism?
I hope this helped raise awareness. I am not trying to sway an opinion if you have one already; I am simply sharing something I feel passionately about. I have too many loved ones in the healthcare industry who have expressed concern over the years. I will agree that there does need to be a revision of current regulation, but only to allow economics to work. There are certain principles that cannot be manipulated, in order for this nation to continue to succeed. I am sacrificing personal viewpoints in favor of a Republican agenda because I care too much about the future of our nation. Yes, there is corruption in government. Yes, there is probably a puppet master controlling issues such as these. Yes, I believe in the good of man. I believe in the 80/20 principle, and the 20% has caused the other 80% to suffer long enough. Above all, I believe in my faith. My God gave man free-will, because it is the true measure of man. Where his heart lies, he shall be also.
Much love,
P.S. Look for the next edition in my ‘Soapbox’ Series. It will be entitled: Stop Jerking Around the Interest Rate!!
“Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof."
That is Article IV of the Constitution. Note the second sentence. And the Congress may by GENERAL LAWS prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. What does this mean? Well, I will offer my interpretation. The Congress is to guide the states in a general manner. This simple sentence should resolve any and all issues regarding the power of the government vs. the power of the state. As it is, governmental restrictions prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. Results of this limitation are the primary downfall of the insurance companies. The free market system prevents monopolies and encourages competetive trade, ensuring lowest possible cost to the consumer. The 'big bad insurance companies' fluff consumer cost simply because they can. Wouldn't you?
Other factors contribute to the high cost of healthcare. Outrageous malpractice lawsuits against doctors inflate the cost of services to cover the risk of error, or the perception of error. Doesn't this fact seem to be a bit reflective? Wouldn't preventitive measures be more feasable? Perhaps a more prevalent Joint Commission? I am not sure of how their audits work, but paperwork is not the same as proceedure. I will borrow the term 'doctor panel' and implement it into a hypothetical situation... There are state hospitals, federal hospitals, private hospitals, outpatient clinics, etc. Let's take it even farther back than that; there are universities that educate our medical professionals. Would it not be feasable to create a business model, based on checks and balances, that OBSERVES, ANALYZES, and REACTS to the medical, ethical and moral protocol implemented by our caregivers? I could probably ace my way through med school, but I would also give some ugly scars if I were a surgeon. Just sayin.. Anyway, the business model I was referring to would create a system in which the medical professionals were held accountable for their practice. There would be panel of specialists, moralists, scientists, etc. I'm gonna leave this point alone because I would get off track and attach a diagram and I really don't have time for that.
My point on this: There are too many options to revise the current system and the government has no place in the dictation of this aspect of my life. Should healthcare be mandated just because people can't afford it, driving up the cost for those who can? No. Should preexisting conditions limit the care someone receives? No, that sounds too much like discrimination. Should healthcare be a luxury? No. Is healthcare a right? No, its a priviledge. Priviledges are those things we work to attain. I'm without healthcare now. Do I like it? No. Have I asked the government for help? No. For those people who are unable to work due to disability, let's make sure the disability is real. Let's screen the people receiving all government benefits and perform random audits as a price for our help. Let's encourage a free market system and keep our jobs at home. Service jobs do not last in a failing economy. During a war, the economy only prospers when there is manufacturing of goods used to support the war. Duh.
I am getting a bit off the subject here. Sorry.
Ok. Let's consider Jesus. What would He do? There is a story or two in the bible about Lepers and such coming to Jesus to ask for help. How many times did he say, 'Im sorry dude, its not my job. King Herod Antipas is your ruler and he is responsible for your health. Talk to him.' I'm tellin you, if He had, we would all be nailed to a cross. On that note, shouldn't WE be more responsible for our health???? Shouldn't we be protesting McDonalds for serving us french fries? Or should we just stop eating them? Hmm... Let's be accountable for ourselves.
I used to think we needed healthcare controlled by the government. I used to make jokes about moving to Canada for that very purpose. Check out their standards. Check out their survival rate for prostate cancer, one of the easiest cancers to treat. I would share the numbers, but I can't remember them exactly. The prognosis isn't good. The treatment is subpar. Healthcare is something one expects to see quality of service, not a game of chance...
The government should not bulldoze this issue to fruition because the risks are too great. FDR was the first major proponent, but he couldn't get it passed along with the New Deal. He did, however, pass Social Security. It worked til now. Apparently he did not realize his time in office was a simulated aphrodesiac, producing an increase in population. Yes, you can laugh :-)
The provisions for abortion allow too many loopholes, creating an unseen genocide. The care measures provided for our elderly are a few steps above hospice- if you give them pain management, my generation will exploit it into a trade. If facilities become free-for-all's, can you imagine what it will look like when rationing begins???? Can you imagine the shortcuts that will be used??? Can you see how many illnesses will go untreated until persistance finally gets that other test done, only to find out the cancer has spread to the major organs and your loved one has just enough time to say goodbye?? Can you see how much Research and Development will suffer for Alzheimer's patients? Alzheimer's is getting younger and younger... What about autism?
I hope this helped raise awareness. I am not trying to sway an opinion if you have one already; I am simply sharing something I feel passionately about. I have too many loved ones in the healthcare industry who have expressed concern over the years. I will agree that there does need to be a revision of current regulation, but only to allow economics to work. There are certain principles that cannot be manipulated, in order for this nation to continue to succeed. I am sacrificing personal viewpoints in favor of a Republican agenda because I care too much about the future of our nation. Yes, there is corruption in government. Yes, there is probably a puppet master controlling issues such as these. Yes, I believe in the good of man. I believe in the 80/20 principle, and the 20% has caused the other 80% to suffer long enough. Above all, I believe in my faith. My God gave man free-will, because it is the true measure of man. Where his heart lies, he shall be also.
Much love,
P.S. Look for the next edition in my ‘Soapbox’ Series. It will be entitled: Stop Jerking Around the Interest Rate!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I asked a friend to give me a word.
'Happiness,' she said.
Happiness- a state of momentary bliss.
A feather floating free...
An opportunity to stop searching
and for a moment just to be-
As the moment subsides
and life comes into view,
the quest begins again.
'Happiness,' she said.
Happiness- a state of momentary bliss.
A feather floating free...
An opportunity to stop searching
and for a moment just to be-
As the moment subsides
and life comes into view,
the quest begins again.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stuff to Say
As the theories develop
we define ourselves once again
where does the standard lie
and are we black or white?
the sources of our information are scattered.
lies become the truth
and friends cross enemy lines.
what would you risk your life for?
if you had to walk across a fallen tree, rotten and soggy with river,
what would you do it for?
sure, its easy to list people that are worth the sacrifice of our lives
but what causes, moral standings, ethical beliefs, religious views
constitute your death?
have you ever been a martyr?
in a crowd of plenty have you stood alone?
of course, this is not a requirement in 'normal' life,
but these are extraordinary, biblical times.
its time to define our individual selves,
and unite for a common wellbeing.
its time to put aside our hopes and dreams
for the greater good of humanity.
who, do you believe, afforded us breath?
who has felt so compassion and love for something as great as his own compassion?
tell me, what has your God done for you?
Mine believed so much in me he thought about me before creation.
Mine knew that i would stumble time and time again.
Mine smiled each time i stumbled because He knew i would soon learn to walk.
My God gave me a life, has allowed me to live it how i chose,
and waited patiently while i discovered the truth of His Son.
Sure, we all know the story of Jesus, how He was born to save us from our sins,
to give us opportunity at eternal life, even though our sins are deadly.
God gave me Jesus to show me the way.
Each day is a struggle to do what is right.
Fortunately, I now account to my Savior, my Father and no longer to man.
Each decision I make and have made as a Christian, and more recently, a born-again Christian, has been a walk in faith.
I am prepared to embark on the rest of my journey with Christ.
I hold His hand.
I share His love.
I am by no means perfect, and some may categorize me as a hypocrite based on past behavior.
Each decision I have ever made has led me to this point.
I am now aware of the greatness of my sins, what they are (for the most part)
and each sin I commit from this point forward will weigh on me, and press me towards repentence.
As your friend, I will walk with you as much as possible.
I will be here when I can.
I will listen and try to help guide.
And i will pray for those who ask for it.
It is time for us to put our country in a prayer wheel, and pray for our leaders.
We cannot bash opposing parties, we must define our lines and defend our beliefs.
Pray for prayer in schools- it is now a crime punishable by crime.
Pray for abortion to be abolished, it is not in God's plan.
There can be no gray on these issues, the gray areas are killing our future Christians.
Be involved in spreading the word.
Persecute me if you like, i will continue to speak my mind.
I will continue to find my purpose as a Christian.
Its time for all of us to unite and put an end to the murder of our faith.
God Speed- I love you.
we define ourselves once again
where does the standard lie
and are we black or white?
the sources of our information are scattered.
lies become the truth
and friends cross enemy lines.
what would you risk your life for?
if you had to walk across a fallen tree, rotten and soggy with river,
what would you do it for?
sure, its easy to list people that are worth the sacrifice of our lives
but what causes, moral standings, ethical beliefs, religious views
constitute your death?
have you ever been a martyr?
in a crowd of plenty have you stood alone?
of course, this is not a requirement in 'normal' life,
but these are extraordinary, biblical times.
its time to define our individual selves,
and unite for a common wellbeing.
its time to put aside our hopes and dreams
for the greater good of humanity.
who, do you believe, afforded us breath?
who has felt so compassion and love for something as great as his own compassion?
tell me, what has your God done for you?
Mine believed so much in me he thought about me before creation.
Mine knew that i would stumble time and time again.
Mine smiled each time i stumbled because He knew i would soon learn to walk.
My God gave me a life, has allowed me to live it how i chose,
and waited patiently while i discovered the truth of His Son.
Sure, we all know the story of Jesus, how He was born to save us from our sins,
to give us opportunity at eternal life, even though our sins are deadly.
God gave me Jesus to show me the way.
Each day is a struggle to do what is right.
Fortunately, I now account to my Savior, my Father and no longer to man.
Each decision I make and have made as a Christian, and more recently, a born-again Christian, has been a walk in faith.
I am prepared to embark on the rest of my journey with Christ.
I hold His hand.
I share His love.
I am by no means perfect, and some may categorize me as a hypocrite based on past behavior.
Each decision I have ever made has led me to this point.
I am now aware of the greatness of my sins, what they are (for the most part)
and each sin I commit from this point forward will weigh on me, and press me towards repentence.
As your friend, I will walk with you as much as possible.
I will be here when I can.
I will listen and try to help guide.
And i will pray for those who ask for it.
It is time for us to put our country in a prayer wheel, and pray for our leaders.
We cannot bash opposing parties, we must define our lines and defend our beliefs.
Pray for prayer in schools- it is now a crime punishable by crime.
Pray for abortion to be abolished, it is not in God's plan.
There can be no gray on these issues, the gray areas are killing our future Christians.
Be involved in spreading the word.
Persecute me if you like, i will continue to speak my mind.
I will continue to find my purpose as a Christian.
Its time for all of us to unite and put an end to the murder of our faith.
God Speed- I love you.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Small thoughts
note via phone. Just because...
read romans.
listen to bridge over troubled water.
Have dinner with one of the earliest best friends whom you leave off and pick up with.
Share a unique similar story with someone random.
wake up and realize that today is better than the last.
Make it better than the last.
bloom and grow forever.
stay up reading the Word until you overflow and then write a note.
learn from those before you.
right a wrong.
dont enable others to stumble.
temperance regarding all things.
learn the difference between faith and trust; lean on faith, not trust.
trust God, not man, not yourself.
what is of the flesh is not of the Spirit.
distinguish right from wrong, the law, and live accordingly.
if you so choose to stumble, make sure you are surrounded by the ones who care to help you up.
pray without ceasing.
watch pollyanna.
read romans.
listen to bridge over troubled water.
Have dinner with one of the earliest best friends whom you leave off and pick up with.
Share a unique similar story with someone random.
wake up and realize that today is better than the last.
Make it better than the last.
bloom and grow forever.
stay up reading the Word until you overflow and then write a note.
learn from those before you.
right a wrong.
dont enable others to stumble.
temperance regarding all things.
learn the difference between faith and trust; lean on faith, not trust.
trust God, not man, not yourself.
what is of the flesh is not of the Spirit.
distinguish right from wrong, the law, and live accordingly.
if you so choose to stumble, make sure you are surrounded by the ones who care to help you up.
pray without ceasing.
watch pollyanna.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
By the grace and mercy of the Father, the believer is kept from stumbling to destruction during the long journey of life and will be presented blameless and pure before the throne of God. As followers of Christ, we must keep ourselves in the love of God as we anxiously wait for the return of the Messiah. During this time of waiting, we are promised that God will keep us in His hands and we will not stumble away from His great purpose. Instead, nothing will snatch us away (John 10:29) and we will reside with Him for eternity!
Mat 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
If you have read the shack, then you will understand. If not, I hope you understand. If you cant understand, I pray for your understanding... I have lived my life in such a way that has brought myself and others harm.. And I have been searching for answers for a long time.. I have fallen short according to some, according to myself. And I am finally released from the ties that have bound me to material things and people causing me harm. I have been called back to my family. I have been called back to my home church. I have been called into the lives of others whom have prayed for change. I have been called to Jesus.
Some may call this repenting, but I call it saved.
I have lived my life running from conviction and sin and it has slapped me in my face.
I have been guided to this point in my life through those who have never turned their back on me, as i have them. I have denied love and embraced lust. I have spoken to deaf ears and finally people listen to what I have to say.
I have been called to help those in need.
I have been called into God's work.
Those of you who have never known me, I pray that you begin to understand my story.
I pray that those in small towns running from the sins of those before them will be able to come together in Christ to help with this change. It takes a community to raise a child, and in my community there have been prayers for change.
I risk the loss of relationships and friendships, I pray that this does not happen.
I have had to separate believers from nonbelievers so I can see clearly the path before me.
I pray the path leads to you.
I understand people do not respond to offensive presentation of God and Jesus, I am not at your house with a Bible.
I understand God has a plan for everyone's salvation, and it is up to the works of loved ones and miracles to provide a catalyst for change.
I have prayed for a catalyst. Those people who have known me throughout my life have prayed for this catalyst.
I am praying for a catalyst and am seeing Christians unite for the common good of others.
I will have the opportunity to speak to my community so that others may no longer live the life I have lived.
I am referring to many sins, not just a few.
I am referring to all sins.
For a long time, I did not feel conviction for sin.
It slapped me in my face this weekend.
I pray for a shield, I pray for love, I pray for strength and mercy and wisdom for myself and the Miracle Workers I have talked to over the past few days.
And know, I am led by faith and prayer and my grandmother.
And above all, Jesus.
By the grace and mercy of the Father, the believer is kept from stumbling to destruction during the long journey of life and will be presented blameless and pure before the throne of God. As followers of Christ, we must keep ourselves in the love of God as we anxiously wait for the return of the Messiah. During this time of waiting, we are promised that God will keep us in His hands and we will not stumble away from His great purpose. Instead, nothing will snatch us away (John 10:29) and we will reside with Him for eternity!
Mat 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
If you have read the shack, then you will understand. If not, I hope you understand. If you cant understand, I pray for your understanding... I have lived my life in such a way that has brought myself and others harm.. And I have been searching for answers for a long time.. I have fallen short according to some, according to myself. And I am finally released from the ties that have bound me to material things and people causing me harm. I have been called back to my family. I have been called back to my home church. I have been called into the lives of others whom have prayed for change. I have been called to Jesus.
Some may call this repenting, but I call it saved.
I have lived my life running from conviction and sin and it has slapped me in my face.
I have been guided to this point in my life through those who have never turned their back on me, as i have them. I have denied love and embraced lust. I have spoken to deaf ears and finally people listen to what I have to say.
I have been called to help those in need.
I have been called into God's work.
Those of you who have never known me, I pray that you begin to understand my story.
I pray that those in small towns running from the sins of those before them will be able to come together in Christ to help with this change. It takes a community to raise a child, and in my community there have been prayers for change.
I risk the loss of relationships and friendships, I pray that this does not happen.
I have had to separate believers from nonbelievers so I can see clearly the path before me.
I pray the path leads to you.
I understand people do not respond to offensive presentation of God and Jesus, I am not at your house with a Bible.
I understand God has a plan for everyone's salvation, and it is up to the works of loved ones and miracles to provide a catalyst for change.
I have prayed for a catalyst. Those people who have known me throughout my life have prayed for this catalyst.
I am praying for a catalyst and am seeing Christians unite for the common good of others.
I will have the opportunity to speak to my community so that others may no longer live the life I have lived.
I am referring to many sins, not just a few.
I am referring to all sins.
For a long time, I did not feel conviction for sin.
It slapped me in my face this weekend.
I pray for a shield, I pray for love, I pray for strength and mercy and wisdom for myself and the Miracle Workers I have talked to over the past few days.
And know, I am led by faith and prayer and my grandmother.
And above all, Jesus.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Divine Intervention
Has happened. If you don't believe, there is a problem. Not my judgement to call, it is yours. I know a lot of you have known me in my past. But I will walk in Faith with my Savior. He leads me now. Watch Christ work through me. And believe. Read the lyrics to Amazing Grace if you need a sign that this is real. God Bless, God Speed, I love you and pray for you. If you need me in your life to help you in any way, God will lead you.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My 26th Birthday
Lord I pray that this miracle I see around me and I feel inside my body.
inside my mind.
inside my soul.
transforms those around me.
Take my story and let me be an example.
Bring people into my life and help me grow as i help them grow.
Show everyone who makes a decision, makes an effort, and breaks through Satan's grasp
And continues to fight his stronghold
How love works.
What love is.
Make my body a vessel and release me from the demons I placed in my life.
Use me as a tool to guide and show people how to walk by faith.
Lord you took my worry away a long time ago, just as i prayed for, just as I needed.
And you allowed me to hit rock bottom.
Thank God for lessons learned
And thank God for mercy upon my soul.
Lord I thank you for talking to me and and talking through me.
I feel dirt on my body and peace in my soul.
I feel that there is not enough time for me to show my gratitude to the people in my life who changed my life over the past few days.
It is a pretty amazing feeling to call Carla Woods out of nowhere and have her tell me that she has been praying for me.
And Uncle Bill to tell me he prays for me 3 times every night.
And to listen to the sound of my cousin's voice when she cries because she is happy that I am happy.
It is amazing to be able to talk to the people who listen to me, actually listen to me, and hear me.
And its ever so amazing that the hurt and pain and confusion I have experienced in my life has brought me to this moment and left me at your doorstep.
It is amazing that during my entire life I avoided alter call just because I did not want to stand out any more than I already did. Lord forgive me for denying you.
Lord my mind is filled with the exact thing I never knew I needed, I thought I had already.
inside my mind.
inside my soul.
transforms those around me.
Take my story and let me be an example.
Bring people into my life and help me grow as i help them grow.
Show everyone who makes a decision, makes an effort, and breaks through Satan's grasp
And continues to fight his stronghold
How love works.
What love is.
Make my body a vessel and release me from the demons I placed in my life.
Use me as a tool to guide and show people how to walk by faith.
Lord you took my worry away a long time ago, just as i prayed for, just as I needed.
And you allowed me to hit rock bottom.
Thank God for lessons learned
And thank God for mercy upon my soul.
Lord I thank you for talking to me and and talking through me.
I feel dirt on my body and peace in my soul.
I feel that there is not enough time for me to show my gratitude to the people in my life who changed my life over the past few days.
It is a pretty amazing feeling to call Carla Woods out of nowhere and have her tell me that she has been praying for me.
And Uncle Bill to tell me he prays for me 3 times every night.
And to listen to the sound of my cousin's voice when she cries because she is happy that I am happy.
It is amazing to be able to talk to the people who listen to me, actually listen to me, and hear me.
And its ever so amazing that the hurt and pain and confusion I have experienced in my life has brought me to this moment and left me at your doorstep.
It is amazing that during my entire life I avoided alter call just because I did not want to stand out any more than I already did. Lord forgive me for denying you.
Lord my mind is filled with the exact thing I never knew I needed, I thought I had already.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Proust Questionnaire
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
helpless/hopeless; the point of no return, rock bottom, unable to right a wrong, in the theory... the dark before the dawn.
Where would you like to live?
in a place i have yet to discover- and it might, JUST MIGHT, be on our family farm. that land has entirely too much meaning for all the harris cousins not to build a community out there. that was a bit extreme, but i dont know where i will be living next month, much less during my life. and because some of you might be interested, my grandfather whom was killed in 1959 in a car accident bought the land so my grandmother could dabble her toes in the pond...
What is your idea of earthly happiness? the quest for truth along with the quest for knowledge. wanting what you have instead of what you cant have. the serenity prayer might just sum that one up. see the previous question...
To what faults do you feel most indulgent? the inability to view life as another sees it which has the potential to cause extreme prejudice and hate.
Who are your favorite heroes of fiction? those that, like the phoenix, rose from the ashes. those that laugh at a challenge and conquer it. the example that comes to mind first is anne frank, albeit considered nonfiction... but this is my answer and therefore i choose to alter the question.
Who are your favorite characters in history?
well shoot. see above. ill also give a shout out to the great thinkers whom stepped out of the box and 'lived' opposed to 'existed.' ben franklin comes to mind. he was an interesting fellow.
Who are your favorite heroines in real life? my grandmother. one day ill post the eulogy i delivered at her funeral. in addition, the great teachers of my life, ill try to compose a brief list.... ms weeks because she taught me gentleness and fairness in 3rd grade. mrs beasley, even if she paddled me for excessive talking, mrs chism because she showed strength, mrs chandler because she showed me my passion for english and cultivated my ability to write as well as the appreciation for dramatics and theatre, mrs gartman because she actually loved us and wanted to share that love while teaching government and economics, mrs rector because i loved to watch that woman think haha, mrs brame because of her ability to make the sciences interesting + the lighter side of life (there is no 'sprinkler move' like a big girl 'sprinkler move.' dr ramsey at bevill because he made me really understand my abilty with words and that i have a gift for writing, and heather gosa whitley. (you ready whit?) from the 8th grade throughout my high school career, and even now, she believes in me and truly listens. and she let me help her with her grad school work during high school. there is not enough time or space for that shout out.
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
:-) the characters of historical romance, i.e. kingdom of dreams. (that one was from kip, just saying. i had nothing to do with it.)
Your favorite painter? da vinci because his work tells stories that I can almost understand.
Your favorite musician? the ones whom tell a different story every time i listen to the song. american trilogy is my fave song fo sho...
The quality you most admire in a man? have you met my uncle bill?
The quality you most admire in a woman? im pretty sure i have already more than answered this.
Your favorite virtue? im still studying up on those, but because the first is temperance, ill mention that one.
Your favorite occupation? are you kidding me with this whooooaaa.... hahaha if you know me, then you can assume that i will put every occupation. lets see.... babysitting brandon sullivan sucked, snow biz was a GREAT job (jana, tell ur mom thanks) box office express was sometimes boring but it had great perks, cake decorating allowed me to express my creativity and working at gas for less allowed me to keep up my reading, clientlogic showed me that people who work at call centers are never as pretty as they sound to be, but have killer personalities... and lowes...... lowes has shown me that, although i do love my customers, people can be cruel in their disregard for the value of service workers. lowes has been the best growing experience and i cant find the words to show the gratitude to cc, steven gray, alice sexton, marcy, and everyone else that promoted my growth within the company. i could have stayed forever, but there is more out there for me.
Who would you have liked to be? my thoughts on this... the peacemakers, the healers, the wright brothers, amelia earhart, the lucky one who my grandfather talked to right after my grandmother said yes. he proposed to her via a letter and his mother while he served in WWII... or one of his ag students at apopka high school...
helpless/hopeless; the point of no return, rock bottom, unable to right a wrong, in the theory... the dark before the dawn.
Where would you like to live?
in a place i have yet to discover- and it might, JUST MIGHT, be on our family farm. that land has entirely too much meaning for all the harris cousins not to build a community out there. that was a bit extreme, but i dont know where i will be living next month, much less during my life. and because some of you might be interested, my grandfather whom was killed in 1959 in a car accident bought the land so my grandmother could dabble her toes in the pond...
What is your idea of earthly happiness? the quest for truth along with the quest for knowledge. wanting what you have instead of what you cant have. the serenity prayer might just sum that one up. see the previous question...
To what faults do you feel most indulgent? the inability to view life as another sees it which has the potential to cause extreme prejudice and hate.
Who are your favorite heroes of fiction? those that, like the phoenix, rose from the ashes. those that laugh at a challenge and conquer it. the example that comes to mind first is anne frank, albeit considered nonfiction... but this is my answer and therefore i choose to alter the question.
Who are your favorite characters in history?
well shoot. see above. ill also give a shout out to the great thinkers whom stepped out of the box and 'lived' opposed to 'existed.' ben franklin comes to mind. he was an interesting fellow.
Who are your favorite heroines in real life? my grandmother. one day ill post the eulogy i delivered at her funeral. in addition, the great teachers of my life, ill try to compose a brief list.... ms weeks because she taught me gentleness and fairness in 3rd grade. mrs beasley, even if she paddled me for excessive talking, mrs chism because she showed strength, mrs chandler because she showed me my passion for english and cultivated my ability to write as well as the appreciation for dramatics and theatre, mrs gartman because she actually loved us and wanted to share that love while teaching government and economics, mrs rector because i loved to watch that woman think haha, mrs brame because of her ability to make the sciences interesting + the lighter side of life (there is no 'sprinkler move' like a big girl 'sprinkler move.' dr ramsey at bevill because he made me really understand my abilty with words and that i have a gift for writing, and heather gosa whitley. (you ready whit?) from the 8th grade throughout my high school career, and even now, she believes in me and truly listens. and she let me help her with her grad school work during high school. there is not enough time or space for that shout out.
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
:-) the characters of historical romance, i.e. kingdom of dreams. (that one was from kip, just saying. i had nothing to do with it.)
Your favorite painter? da vinci because his work tells stories that I can almost understand.
Your favorite musician? the ones whom tell a different story every time i listen to the song. american trilogy is my fave song fo sho...
The quality you most admire in a man? have you met my uncle bill?
The quality you most admire in a woman? im pretty sure i have already more than answered this.
Your favorite virtue? im still studying up on those, but because the first is temperance, ill mention that one.
Your favorite occupation? are you kidding me with this whooooaaa.... hahaha if you know me, then you can assume that i will put every occupation. lets see.... babysitting brandon sullivan sucked, snow biz was a GREAT job (jana, tell ur mom thanks) box office express was sometimes boring but it had great perks, cake decorating allowed me to express my creativity and working at gas for less allowed me to keep up my reading, clientlogic showed me that people who work at call centers are never as pretty as they sound to be, but have killer personalities... and lowes...... lowes has shown me that, although i do love my customers, people can be cruel in their disregard for the value of service workers. lowes has been the best growing experience and i cant find the words to show the gratitude to cc, steven gray, alice sexton, marcy, and everyone else that promoted my growth within the company. i could have stayed forever, but there is more out there for me.
Who would you have liked to be? my thoughts on this... the peacemakers, the healers, the wright brothers, amelia earhart, the lucky one who my grandfather talked to right after my grandmother said yes. he proposed to her via a letter and his mother while he served in WWII... or one of his ag students at apopka high school...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Peer Reflection: Preamble
Although I only have 26 years of experience, I feel that is enough to write this note to my peers. All too often, we have the feeling of being invincible, meaning that nothing can conquer us. I guess I should put this into first person because I can’t speak for you. I have lived my life in such a way that doesn’t put consequence into perspective. I tend to be impulsive and make decisions that affect me after the fact. On a large scale, consider the excessive spending by our government. Once thought to stimulate our economy, this money has gone into the savings accounts and debt payoff of our now seemingly sensible society, alliteration intended. On a small scale, consider the once recreational drug use we now see plaguing our small towns. A Lamar County native, I feel a warmth envelope me as I drive into Vernon. However, in the darkness looms a problem. This problem is not only in Vernon, it is across the world. Turn on the television, there is a problem. Go to the movies, there is a problem. Get in your car to go to the store on a Friday night and pray that someone who has been drinking and feels invincible enough to drive does not share your streets. And pray the same thing for your loved ones. All of us notice a drastic change in substance abuse spanning throughout our lives. It is a real problem and it does affect you. Last night on the news, my family caught the sight of young adults from their community that were caught up in the tragedy facing our youth. Some will overcome this need to escape reality by realizing they have a problem. Some will face an incident that will forever shape their lives and realize that they would rather live than die. Some will never have an opportunity to change. I have made decisions in my life that, upon reflection, could have killed me or someone else. I have a lot of past that I am not proud of. I have a wonderful family who opens up the door to listen to me anytime, and without judgment. I have friends who I consider family. There are people I want to scream at until they wake up, but most often I have found that these people just needed someone to listen to them. I did. I pray that each of you is blessed with loved ones who think about you, even when you aren’t with them. I pray that those of you who have constant battles with personal demons are able to overcome and share your testimony with others. I pray that every experience teaches us to grow and share and become interdependent, not codependent, on each other. I pray that this opens a window and lets a little sunlight in, forcing the darkness out. My God laughs at my haircut while some judge my character. My God blesses me more and more each day because I reach out to Him and to others I feel I can help ‘fix.’ My life is not perfect, has never been perfect, and will never be perfect, but I assure you that I am a work in progress. I have a wonderful support system and I thank God for each blessing I have received. May God bless you as you have read this, and as you make decisions that affect your life and the lives of those around you.
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