Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Philosophy of Education

(Imagine the large purple font on a Powerpoint. The yellow font is what was spoken.)

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Prov 22:6 (ESV)

I believe the purposes of education are to prepare the next generation. Education, by definition, means "to develop the knowledge, skill, or character of..." Those committing to a future in education should have a passion for 'training up a child the way he should go' Prov 22:6 (ESV). For the purposes of this presentation, I will discuss my philosophy as it would pertain to a 10th grade English class in a small southern town.


Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance

Prov 1:5 (ESV)

Students do learn differently. Auditory, visual or tactile learners all require a common link for processing knowledge; lesson plans should be meaningful. As teachers, we should pay careful attention to the feedback each child provides us. If I were to present a Shakespearean drama to my 10th grade English class, I would pause often to apply the theatrics to a real-life situation. After a while, the students should be able to see past the flowery verse to gather the relevant information and actually visualize the play in front of them. Lesson plans must be meaningful and tangible and students must be able to relate to the information.


Students should be taught the basics and taught them well. There is nothing new under the sun and everything builds on top of something else. In our society, we complicate things. We try to over-analyze and find a perfect fit for every abnormality. This causes us to lose sight of the bigger picture. I believe there is a high demand for simplicity and if we can teach our students to build on fundamental knowledge, I believe we will inspire them to continue as lifelong learners. Conquer the basics, then move forward.


I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Phil 4:13 (ESV)

Students should be taught in a learning environment. As teachers, we should encourage open participation. I believe that every student has something valuable to bring to a discussion and the format of my classroom will be primarily discussion. I believe that every student should be able to relate their life experience with the curriculum. I believe positive and negative feedback to the students should always be critical and students should be encouraged to learn from each other. I believe this teaching method is essential to prepare this age group because it helps the children with social interaction. This shows the students that it is okay to disagree and they should be willing to listen to opposing viewpoints.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.

Psalms 111:10 (ESV)

As mentioned previously, I believe students learn best when the subject matter and the presentation of the subject matter is meaningful. It creates understanding.


Now may the God of peace … equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight...

Heb 13:20-21 (ESV)

Teachers wear many hats. We are the source of knowledge, mentors, counselors and friends. We must enter the classroom every day with light spirits and firm beliefs and we must be consistent in our practice. We must equip each child with the tools necessary for character and intellectual growth. The rewards of teaching do not come on a daily basis and many days there will be struggles. We must have the passion to pursue because we might be the only Jesus those children see that day.

Jesus is in the doctor's office

i find myself in peace as this world crumbles away. Sanctification is a process that takes time and it is often hard to see past the moment. We tend to feel that our problems will always be our problems, and instead of conquering them, we make accommodations for them. We are spoiled by instant gratification and we look for short solutions and temporary fixes instead of waiting for opportunities at lasting resolve. I love those moments when I see how God has worked out a problem while I was completely unaware of the process. Doors and windows are constantly opened and closed. In our stubbornness, we sometimes force our desires into fruition prematurely. Ah, the ease of fast food and texting... Things come so easily to us that we are now spoiled by the system. Times are 'hard' and will only get harder because we don't know how to work for anything. Im soooo guilty of this. Maybe this is why I sometimes thirst for suffering. I don't want to be numb. I don't want to just slide by. I want to pick up the cross and carry it and feel the burden on my shoulders. I don't want easy, I have had that and it drove me to temporary satisfaction and pleasure. I don't want to be of this world, i've had it and it and it brought me nothing but superficial pain, pain that was rooted in longings of the world. I want to die living so i can live forever singing praises to the One who delivered me from my sins. Jesus is everywhere, He will even sing to you if you pick the right music. Find Jesus in everything, He is more real than Waldo. He is even in you, all you gotta do is ask.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Human Trinity

"As far as the soul has been traced and followed from the body,
it is found to be thinking.
It thinks in death, and, according to Christ, thinks after death"
- Carradine
I am a firm believer that I know nothing.
How comforting!!

I am a firm believer that I did not command my presence.
How sweet to know I am loved!!

I am a firm believer that my purpose is far greater than I can imagine.
How humbling to know I am used!!

I am a firm believer that my Lord is with me.
I am a firm believer that I will one day sit at His feet
and praise Him for His Greatness.
I am a firm believer that the Glory of living with Him for eternity
is more than enough for me.

We have our own very own Trinity. Let's look at it...

1. The body. The body includes the obvious. (And I just look like this.)

"My frame was not hidden from thee,
When I was made in secret,
And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance;
And in thy book they were all written,
Even the days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was none of them."
Psalms 139:15-16 (ASV)

2. The mind. The mind is knowledge.

Let's think about that. In Genesis, which tree was forbidden? And which fruit did the serpent, aka Satan, convince Eve to eat? Perhaps knowledge isn't the most desirable attribute of one's character. Perhaps God wanted to keep us from knowledge. Perhaps knowledge is a tool of evil. Perhaps when we know too much we try to play God. Perhaps this is why God confused the language at the Tower of Babel. Knowledge is power and power is pride and pride is... well, you know the story.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart:
Try me, and know my thoughts;
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting."
Psalms 139:23-24 (ASV)

3. The soul. Ah, the soul. The most mysterious aspect of humanity. The thing that distinguishes us from all the other life on earth. The thing God gave us from His very being. The actual representation of God, in us. The thing God made in His image (you didn't think it was the body, did you? It can be confusing..)

Now these three things have proportion. They total 100 percent of you. There are no bonus points, so you get what you get. You are what you are. You can tweak and re-configure, but there will never be more than 100 percent.

So, you can probably see where I am going with this...

We can work out all day and try to perfect our physique. We can become obsessed with knowledge and strive to be the smartest or the most successful or whatever we wish to gain from knowing. Or we can develop our spirit, our soul, the very thing that serves as our connection to our Creator.
Im voting on the latter.

You may ask, "What is there to gain by being close to God?"

Welll.... Imagine yourself as an artist. Or carpenter. Or gardener. Or a Farmville playa.
Who else is going to appreciate your creation more than you? Whomever will love your creation more than you? You can sit all day long and explain the details and tell the stories about how you made it or show off your ability with hay bales, but noone else gets it. They don't understand.

I'll bet you, being the creation, don't even understand. It's impossible to fully understand. But the Creator does. He knows. He knows you intimately. He is with you even if you aren't with Him. Why would you not want to be with Him?

" I will give thanks unto thee; For I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well."
Psalms 139:14 (ASV)

And when we do remember Him, let us remember Him in thanksgiving.
Let us remember Him in humility.
Let us remember the Hands that crafted us, and our hands that serve as His.
And let us sit at His feet and rest against Him.
And let us sing to Him in praise-
For loving us so much, with sacrificial love, love that we do not understand.

Love that shows us no wrath, Love that transcends this world.
Love that died so that we may live forever. FOREVER.

Every hope we have now came when Jesus came. There must be atonement for sin. As Newton once explained, for every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

When Jesus came, He was the Body. He was the missing link for all creation's purpose. He fulfilled that which was promised in the beginning. When He left earth, His spirit entered man. God is with man, closer than your own skin.

So when you pray, imagine your vision of Jesus sitting beside you, listening to you. Or better yet, just focus on Him. I'm pretty sure there isn't a whole lot He doesn't already know.

Fly with Christ!